Friday, June 23, 2006

About Reservation

Our prime minister has promised that the quota will be implemented with due justice. Taking care that the number of seats for the general category students intact. Well this (keeping general seat intact) came after the protests. So we really cannot 'trust' his (their) intentions.
It is not a question of keeping the number of able students intact, it is a question of keeping the quality of education intact. It is no mystery that some students are quick to learn and some are slow. Now what we call as centers of excellence primarily consists of the fist kind. If some slow students are introduced into the class, the class is bound to become slow. To add to it, it will become very boring and uninteresting to the able students. Which means he will not be able to gain as much as he would in normal circumstances. The slow learners, unfortunate but true, can never contribute to the nation as a professional, as much as his smart classmate would do. Everyone will suffer at the end. It will mean we will not make the best out of the best men (and women). So the benefits they could offer to others will also be lessened, and the quota beneficiaries will also suffer in the long run, if not him, his siblings surely.
I am, on the other hand, in favor of reservation in schools and colleges. In fact, I think there is severe dearth of the first kind of institution. And until we can build sufficient number of them, reservation may stay to enable the unprivilaged to get in. I have seen that family background, ethnic background etc. matters for getting into a school. In the sense that those from a sound financial backing can afford to have tution who help them in their preparation for the entrance exams. Here I would also say, that in my experience, for the case of higher education, for example getting in for a PhD into a premiere institution, it does not matter so much.
Here is one more thing to consider. The same family is taking the advantage of reservation one generation after the other. But this was probably not the stated goal of the policy. So here we need to improve upon. Maybe we could say that those who have taken the advantage reservation, their siblings will not be eligible for further advantage. But this has a inbuilt weakness. For some reason the family may fall back into poverty. Then they will be denied justice because they will not be able to use reservation, even thought they would then need it. So the best thing to do is to base the reservation on economic condition. There are many general category students who suffer from the same problem as the backward classes. So this reservation accordint to caste is an injustice to them as well.
We want the whole concept of caste abolished. It has done enough damage to this part of the world.
Here is one suggestion for our Prime Minister. We are the students of science. There are many students in medicine, arts, etc etc. Many of us will take up career in teaching. Many will be doctors, many others will be in top positions in the country. We shall come in contact with thousands of people,everyone of us, and will, expectedly have considerable influence over them. If you do lose our trust, Mr. Prime Minister, in the long term you are going to lose out. We shall make you lose ground.


ALI said...

MiM MP Asaduddin Owaisi On Sachar Committee Report and Reservation in Parliament

ASADUDDIN OWAISI MP (HYDERABAD) : Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I rise to support the Bill that has been tabled in the august House. I have got some important points to bring to the notice of the august House.
The Sachar Committee report has been tabled in this House. It clearly states the educational backwardness of the Muslim community. According to Sachar Report, there are 39 per cent OBCs and 0.8 per cent Scheduled Caste in the Muslim community.
I support this Bill which provides reservation in Central Universities to SCs, STs and OBCs. However, I would like to know as to how fair it is to deny the benefits of reservation on the basis of religion, especially after the Government has tabled the Sachar Report in this august House which shows how bad my educational standards are and my conditions are.
I would just like to quote one point here as far as the report is concerned. Page 73 of Sachar Report clearly says, “The percentage of population of graduates, as far as the Muslims are concerned, is 1.2 and those attending P.G. courses is 16.3.” It is lesser in Muslims than in dalits also. You are not implementing these minority universities over there. But why is it that I am being denied such benefits? Moreover, the Presidential Order of 1950 contravenes the basic fundamental rights given in the Constitution.
How is it that only SCs belonging or professing the religion of Hinduism or Sikhism or neo Buddhism are being given reservation? Why not Dalit Christians and Dalit Muslims? This question has to be pondered over by the Government. I would request you sincerely, Sir, that the Government should come forward and ensure that the 1950 Presidential Order, Schedule III is amended. It says that only a person professing Hinduism or Sikhism or neo Buddhism can be classified as Schedule Caste. How is that possible? This Report of yours clearly says this. There is this argument about Muslims and OBCs. Why is it such a low percentage is there? This has to be looked into.
Lastly, about Jamia Milia University, how is that the present Vice-Chancellor wants to implement this present Bill in Jamia Milia University? Why has the Vice-Chancellor overnight changed this position? Why are we being denied such benefits? I would request you that this issue has to be taken care of. They have applied to the National Minority Education Commission also. It is pending over there. If Jamia Milia University is not a minority University, then, which is a minority university? This is a very important question. These are important points I wanted to bring to the notice of the august House.
I support this Bill. I hope that this UPA Government will take affirmative action and will not deny us reservation under Article 16(4). If people are opposed to reservations to Muslims, they should look into the pre-native history of Article 16(4). It is none other than Sardar Vallabhai Patel, who has stated `classes’ means `Minorities’. He was the Chairman of that Advisory Committee. Why are Muslims having reservations in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka? Why can they not be given reservations nationwide? It has to be done. Literacy rate of 13 per cent of population is only 59. There is a huge difference between literate and educated persons. You can very well imagine 13 per cent of population with a literacy of 59 per cent. Hence, I would request that the Government should come forward with the proposal and I hope that the hon. Minister, when he stands up to reply would respond to this or this UPA Government has to amend 1950 Presidential Order. They have to take affirmative action under Articles 15(4) and 16(4).
Thank you.

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